43rd annual California Collegiate Open
Coaches planning to bring a team this year please click the button below and fill out the form. This will help us stay in contact about any logistical issues you have.
Thank you.
Date: Saturday January 25th, 2020
Walk Up Registration: 6:20 AM - 7:00 AM
Weigh-ins: 7:00 AM - 7:15 AM
Entry: Teams may bring as many men, per weight class, per team. All open wrestlers and non-affiliated athletes are invited. Please designate a team affiliation when pre-registering and your unattached status will be documented at weigh ins (this is for separation reasons while bracketing).
Fees: Entry fee $45 plus credit card fee. Late registration is $55 (not registered on trackwrestling). All wrestlers who change weight classes from registered weight on the day of weigh ins will be charged an additional $10.
Deadlines: Pre-Registration Deadline is Thursday January 23rd at 8 PM Pacific Time. All registration after that will be considered late and done at the door.
Schedule: Saturday January 25th, 7:00 AM Weigh ins, 9 AM wrestling start, 15 minute break before finals. Tournament will be run straight through to a 3 mat final.
Rules: All matches will be governed by NCAA rules. Each match will be seven minutes.
Hotels: More information to come...
Past Teams who attended:
San Francisco State
Simon Fraser
Southern Oregon
Cal Baptist
Contact: Tournament Director Daniel McCune mccune@principledbydesign.org